Patients’ and providers’ perceptions of the preventability of hospital readmission: a prospective, observational study in four European countries

Objectives Because of fundamental differences in healthcare systems, US readmission data cannot be extrapolated to the European setting: To investigate the opinions of readmitted patients, their carers, nurses and physicians on predictability and preventability of readmissions and using majority consensus to determine contributing factors that could potentially foresee (preventable) readmissions. Design Prospective observational study. Readmitted…

Physician consensus on preventability and predictability of readmissions based on standard case scenarios

Background Policy makers struggle with unplanned readmissions as a quality indicator since integrating preventability in such indicators is difficult. Most studies on the preventability of readmissions questioned physicians whether they consider a given readmission to be preventable, from which conclusions on factors predicting preventable readmissions were derived. There is no literature on the interobserver agreement…

PRISMA Analysis of 30 Day Readmissions to a Tertiary Cancer Hospital

Background: Hospital readmissions are increasingly used as a quality indicator. Patients with cancer have an increased risk of readmission.The purpose of this study was to develop an in depth understanding of the causes of readmissions in patients undergoing cancer treatment using PRISMA methodology and was subsequently used to identify any potentially preventable causes of readmission…